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The popularity on this site.
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Startup Product Directory
About directory
Dead directory
Upon recent checks it appears that is offline or no longer in business.
Founding 100 Member
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Verified directory
This directory has taken the time to verify their directory with us. This helps ensure content is up to date and relevant!
Not verified
Unfortunately this directory hasn't yet verified with us. Verified directories ensure that all info is up to date and correct.
Great quality link
This directory allows for submissions and has a high domain rating, making for a great directory to submit your relevant resource to!
Great advertising opportunity
This directory offers advertising and gets a decent amount of search traffic.
This directory offers a newsletter. Newsletters are a great way of getting in front of your ideal audience.
Built with Webflow
This directory was built on Webflow, just like ours! We love Webflow and we're sure you will as well.
Built with Framer
This directory was built with Framer. An easy, no-code designer to build beautiful and fast directories.
Has affiliate program
This directory offers an affiliate program. Make some extra money by linking to this directory and recommending it to your audience.
Built with Softr
This directory was built with Softr. An easy, no-code designer to build beautiful and fast directories.
Built with Wordpress
This directory was built with Wordpress. An easy, no-code blogging platform to build beautiful and fast directories.
What is Startup Product Directory?
Startup Product Directory is a community of makers and early adopters that share and discuss the latest products and ideas. It serves as a platform to discover and gain early access to exciting new startups. The community features a variety of startups, from a squat-based FPS iOS game to an AI brand-building platform. The team behind Startup Product Directory includes Atta, the Founder & Lead Developer, and InNocY, the Co-founder & Community Manager.
What are some popular startups on Startup Product Directory?
Here are some of the popular startups featured on Startup Product Directory:
- Fitness Firefight: A squat-based FPS iOS game to get you moving throughout the day.
- AcquireBase: A marketplace for buying and selling internet startups for free.
- Adspott: One Ads Manager, for all platforms.
- Koosh: Videolize your website and get an Apple-like one without developers in minutes.
- UserUp: Composable User Platform.
- CallToInspiration: Digital Purple Hat for UX Designers & Developers.
- X-Me: Clone Yourself for Videos, Just 10 seconds.
- The Calculator King: The World's Best Calculator Site.
- uBrand: AI Brand-building Platform.
- GamePass Picker: Discover your next favorite gaming adventure on the Xbox GamePass.
Please note that the popularity of startups can change rapidly, so it's always a good idea to check the site for the most current information.
What is the process for reviewing startups on Startup Product Directory?
The process for reviewing startups on Startup Product Directory is as follows:
- Submission: If you are a founder and your startup meets the selection criteria, you can submit it to introduce yourself and your startup to the community.
- Review: The Startup Product Directory team will do a quick review to check whether your startup follows their submission guidelines.
- Queue: If your startup qualifies, it will be added to the featured startups waiting queue.
- Feature: It may take some time (2-3 months) to get featured depending on the number of startups in queue.
Please note that the review process is subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check the site for the most current information.
How do I submit my startup to Startup Product Directory?
Here are the steps to submit your startup to Startup Product Directory:
- Login to Startup Product Directory: You can login via Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
- Check Selection Criteria: Ensure that your startup meets the selection criteria of Startup Product Directory. They accept technology startups like mobile apps, SaaS, IoT, innovative software and hardware, chrome extensions, or artificial intelligence projects.
- Submit Your Startup: If your startup meets the selection criteria, you can submit it to introduce yourself and your startup to the Startup Product Directory community.
Please note that the submission process is subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check the site for the most current information.
Is there a cost for using the platform?
No, there is no cost for using Startup Product Directory. Publishing at Startup Product Directory is free of charge. All registered users are eligible to list their startups at Startup Product Directory. However, please note that terms and conditions can change, so it's always a good idea to check the site for the most current information.


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