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Design Portfolio Directory
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Great quality link
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Great advertising opportunity
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Built with Softr
This directory was built with Softr. An easy, no-code designer to build beautiful and fast directories.
Built with Wordpress
This directory was built with Wordpress. An easy, no-code blogging platform to build beautiful and fast directories.
What is is a curated gallery that showcases the best portfolios, resumes, case studies, and design resources from top product, UI/UX, graphic, and motion designers. It serves as a source of inspiration for designers and provides a platform for them to showcase their work. The site also features design-related articles and resources, including book recommendations. It's a great resource for anyone interested in design or looking for inspiration for their own portfolio.
Who are some of the designers featured on
Here are some of the designers whose portfolios have been featured on
- Ayush Wanjari
- James Whelan
- Arsen Kolyba
- Rishikesh Nighot
- Yuha Kim
- Eugene Lazebny
- Roman Tesliuk
- Jakub Zegzulka, a student at Art Center
- Leah Lee, a student at CMU, intern at Meta
- Ian Chen
- Jan Janeczek
- Apurva Chinta
Please note that the list of featured designers on is constantly updated as new portfolios are added. You can visit the website to see the most current list of featured designers.
How often is new content added to adds new content, including portfolios, resumes, and design resources, to their site on a weekly basis. This ensures that the site remains a fresh and up-to-date source of inspiration for designers. However, the exact frequency may vary, so it's best to check the site regularly or subscribe to their newsletter for the latest updates.
What is the Bestfolios newsletter?
The Bestfolios newsletter is a weekly email that delivers the best portfolios, resumes, and design resources right to your inbox. It's a great way to stay updated with the latest additions to the site and discover new design inspirations. The newsletter is free, and it promises quality content with no spam. It's a valuable resource for designers looking to keep up with trends and find inspiration for their own work.
Can I submit my own portfolio for consideration on
Yes, you can submit your portfolio for consideration on The site is always looking for new portfolios to feature and inspire the design community. However, the exact process for submission may not be directly stated on their website. It's recommended to reach out to them directly or through their social media channels for more information on how to submit your portfolio. Good luck with your submission!

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